About Chris
Chris Balkema has been steadfastly committed to serving his community—a passion that has been evident throughout his 30-year career at Caterpillar and his 13 years on the Grundy County Board (the last 6 years as Chairman). This unique blend of American business and local government experience equips him with leadership skills that he will bring as the State Senator for the 53rd District. Chris holds a very optimistic outlook for Illinois. He will use his experience to deliver results for the residents of the 53rd District.
In 2014, Chris ran for the US Congressional seat in District 11. While finishing second in the primary, the experience provided him with valuable lessons in campaign dynamics and public service. Since then, he has focused his energy on his family and in local leadership as the Grundy County Board Chairman. Now that both sons are studying at college, Chris and his wife are in the “empty nest” stage. This opens the opportunity for him to serve the community in a larger capacity.
Understanding the conservative pulse of the 53rd District, Chris knows that the key is to build trust and rapport with the residents. He pledges to represent the interests of the district faithfully, just as his record in Grundy County already shows – he has led the effort to deliver 4 straight years of property tax levy reductions.

What Chris Will Fight For
Chris is pro-life and will work hard to protect the unborn as well as life at all stages.
2nd Amendment
Chris is a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment and believes that the cumbersome FOID card system must be reformed.
Property Tax
Property tax reform is absolutely critical – Chris will advocate for new funding mechanisms to relieve the crushing financial burdens that Illinois residents are currently under.
Illinois has the resources to be an energy exporter – Chris will champion for energy sources that deliver results – not just wind and solar.
A REcord of Success
Reduced Property Taxes
Chris led the charge to reduce property taxes in Grundy County four years in a row.
Protecting Freedom
Passed a county resolution opposing any efforts by Springfield to infringe upon Grundy County citizen's 2nd Amendment Rights.
Efficient Government
Drove financial efficiency improvements that allowed the County to continually have balance budgets.
Ensured every office in Grundy County was focused on being fully transparent and accessible to the taxpayers.

Making Illinois Work for the People
Chris has built a diverse network of business leaders, community service organizations and elected officials. This only strengthens his resolve but attests to his ability to work collaboratively across different areas necessary to get things done.
Chris Balkema will stand firm on his principles of dedication, integrity, and compassion while delivering desperately needed results for the 53rd district and the state of Illinois.